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Obesity Study
Obesity is a complex, multi-component metabolic disease.
Help evaluate a once-weekly medication.
We want to help people living with excess weight access care that is based on research. The first step is to help the public to see obesity as a long-term disease rather than a lifestyle choice. By taking part in a clinical research study focused on chronic weight management, you can help to make a difference.
Who is eligible?
You may qualify for this study if:
- You are at least 18 years of age.
- You have a BMI greater than 35.
- You have—or have experienced—one or more of the following: type 2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke, or peripheral arterial disease
Sign Up
Schedule Your Assessment
Sign up for an initial assessment (called a “prescreen”), and we'll give you a call. One of our professional medical staff will answer your questions and give you more information about Charter Research prior to an in-office visit.
Get More Information
Location supporting this study
Driving directions
For the best GPS directions, use Google Maps or Waze, and enter our parking garage address:
The entrance to our parking garage is from Nebraska St.
- From Mills Ave., turn right on Nebraska St. (between Firebirds and Yamasan Sushi ).
- Take the first right (in front of The Gallery apartments ).
- Drive into the Charter Research parking garage .
The entrance to our parking garage is from Nebraska St.
- From Mills Ave., turn west on Nebraska St. (between Firebirds and Yamasan Sushi ).
- Take the first right (in front of The Gallery apartments ).
- Drive into the Charter Research parking garage .
The entrance to our parking garage is from Nebraska St.
- Drive down Nebraska St. and cross Mills Ave.
- After crossing Mills, take the first right (in front of The Gallery apartments ).
- Drive into the Charter Research parking garage .

The entrance to our parking garage is from Nebraska St.
- From Haven Dr, turn east on Nebraska St.
- Go past Fresh Market and turn left after The Gallery apartments .
- Drive into the Charter Research parking garage .

From Nebraska Street (by The Gallery apartments), head north toward the parking garage. -
The Charter Research parking garage is directly ahead, at the end of the street. -
Continue into the garage and find a parking spot. Parking is free.
After you park, you will see this sign. Follow the arrow. -
Follow the Charter Research signs to enter the building. -
Continue on the walkway next to the fence. The front door is ahead. -
The front door is ahead on your left. -
Enter through the front door. -
After entering the building, the elevator is directly in front of you. Take it to the 2nd floor. -
Welcome to our lobby on the 2nd floor! -
Our incredible staff will be with you every step of the way.
Direcciones para llegar
Para obtener las mejores indicaciones por GPS, use la aplicacion de Google Maps o Waze e ingrese la dirección de nuestro garaje de estacionamiento:
La entrada a nuestro garaje de estacionamiento esta por la calle Nebraska.
- Desde Mills Ave., gire a la derecha en Nebraska St. (entre Firebirds y Yamasan Sushi ).
- Tome la primera derecha (al frente de los apartamentos "The Gallery" ).
- Entre el garaje de estacinamiento de Charter Research .

La entrada a nuestro garaje de estacionamiento esta por la calle Nebraska.
- Desde Mills Ave., gire hacia el oeste en la calle Nebraska (entre Firebirds y Yamasan Sushi ).
- Tome la primera derecha (al frente de los apartamentos "The Gallery" ).
- Entre el garaje de estacinamiento de Charter Research .

La entrada a nuestro garaje de estacionamiento esta por la calle Nebraska.
- Conduzca por la calle Nebraska y cruce Mills Ave.
- Después de cruzar Mills, tome la primera derecha (al frente de los apartamentos "The Gallery" ).
- Entre el garaje de estacinamiento de Charter Research .

La entrada a nuestro garaje de estacionamiento esta por la calle Nebraska.
- Desde Haven Dr., gire hacia el este en la calle Nebraska.
- Pase el supermercado "Fresh Market" y gire a la Izquierda despues de los Apartamentos "The Gallery" .
- Entre el garaje de estacinamiento de Charter Research .

Desde la calle Nebraska (cerca de los apartamentos "The Gallery") dirijase hacia el norte hacia el garaje de estacionamiento. -
El garaje de estacionamiento de Charter Research está directamente enfrente, al final de la calle. -
Continúe hacia el garaje y encuentre un espacio de estacionamiento. El estacionamiento es gratuito.
Despues de estacionar, verá este letrero. Sigua la flecha. -
Siga las señales de Charter Research para entrar al edificio. -
Continúe por el camino junto a la cerca. La puerta principal está adelante. -
La puerta principal está adelante, a su izquierda. -
Ingrese por la puerta principal. -
Después de entrar al edificio, el ascensor está directamente frente a usted. Tómelo al segundo piso. -
Bienvenido a nuestro vestíbulo en el segundo piso. -
Nuestro increible equipo estará con usted en cada paso del camino.